
How would you convince someone to buy a HoverBoard that actually hovers? (The product is called Hoverboard 2.0)

Respuesta :

Try to persuade by asking them how much money they have and stuff


(What I say to get my way)

Hey (y/n)! You know how much I love you? Well anyway, I needed to let you know something. So, I wanna start helping around the house, and maybe even go out to buy stuff for you! And since we're in quarantine, I was thinking,  maybe I could use a Hoverboard to get around. Think about it: No car crashes, 100% safe, and really convenient! An, people will think you're super rich! I could ride ALL the way to school on it! It's called the "Hoverboard 2.0", and it's really great. It was created to help around the house, and it is very important to have one because if you don't, Biden's going to cut stimulus checks- I heard it on the news. So why don't you check it out later? Thank you, love you!


It's what I always do, and sometimes it works :)