
How is Jo MOST influenced by seeing an
artist sketching on her lawn and having a
reporter ring her doorbell?
It increases her skill at finding ways to
"But a few moments will be all I ask," said
the man, edging his way farther in.
"You can't see her, for she is out," replied
Teddy, as a backward glance showed
him that his unhappy parent had
vanished-through the window, he
supposed, as she sometimes did.....
"Very sorry. I'll call again. Is this her study?
Charming room!" And the intruder fell
back on the parlour, bound to see
something and bag a fact....
"It is not," said Teddy, gently but firmly
backing him down the hall, hoping that
It strengthens her relationship with her son.
It strengthens her desire to protect her
It increases her determination to quit writing.
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