
a assemblies
b. colonial courts
c English Bill of Rights
1. These were used in colonies to control local
affairs and protect individual freedoms.
2. These organizations were created in some
colonies to pass laws
3. Passed in 1689, this legislation declared the
supremacy of Parliament.
4. These meetings were the center of politics in
New England
d Enlightenment
e free enterprise
f. French
& French and Indian War
h Great Awakening
i mercantilista:
j Middle Passage
5. This was the name of the journey in which
Africans were transportod across the
Atlantic Ocean to be sold as slaves
6. This raised ideas about spiritual and politi-
cal equality among many colonists
7. During this period thinkers used reason and
logic to form ideas about how government
should work
8. Native Americans trusted these colonists
more because they were less threatening
than other colonists
k Pontiac's Rebellion
I town meetings
9. As a result of this Great Britain gained
Canada from the French
10. This was an attempt by Native Americans to
push white settlers out of the Ohio Valley