Respuesta :
1492 Columbus arrives
-begins Columbian Exchange
-Spain sends conquistadors & Armada
-Spain sets up encomiendas (missions like in CA & others)
1587 -Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke Island
-disappeared by 1590 “Lost Colony”
1588 -England defeats Spanish Armada
-England becomes superpower begins colonization soon after
1607 Jamestown
-Joint Stock Company investor-backed
-backer company Virginia Company
-Captain John Smith leader
-martial law instituted for survival
1609-1610 desperate times
- Powhatan Confederacy aides Jamestown
-tobacco cash crop, saves colony from extinction
-Chesapeake becomes name of surrounding area
-indentured servants – popular and useful
-1618 headright sys. 50 acres given to a plantation owner who sponsored ppl over to America
1619 House of Burgesses first government in colonies
-white property-owning males could vote
-slavery begins in the English colonies
1620 Separatists leave England accidentally
arrive in Massachusetts in “Mayflower”
-settlement called “Plymouth”
-Mayflower Compact government established, power not from God but from governed
-received aid from local Indians to further the settlement
1629 Mass. Bay Colony Congregationalists John Winthrop “City on a hill”
-Puritan and Calvinist ideas
ex. of religious intolerance
-Roger Williams banished
-created Rhode Island free religion
-Anne Hutchinson
1629-42 Great Puritan Migration
1649-1660 little immigration because England was mainly Puritan
1635 Connecticut gets charter for being a colony
-Maryland Lord Baltimore haven for Christians & Catholics
1649 Act of Toleration protects Christians
1685 New York = colony
-Pennsylvania William Penn Quaker
-Carolina (proprietary) split into NC (Virginia-like colony) and SC (settled by people from Barbados)
-proprietary colonies usually became royal colonies (king-controlled)
Salutary Neglect 1650-1750 Britain was hands-off on American colonies; gave America autonomy
1670’s Bacon’s Rebellion
-settlers v. Indian = issue
- Governor Berkeley - corrupt, elite group gets best land, fail to protect backcountry farmers
- Nathanial Bacon - led frontier farmer in raids against "Indians" / burned Jamestown, drove out Berkeley
-led to creation of Black Codes, can't control white indentured servants