Part A) The independent variable is the hours that Tiya mows her neighbor's lawn, and we can denote that with x. It's the variable that isn't affected by other factors. The dependent variable is the amount of money Tiya earns, which we can denote with y. The dependent variable is the variable that is affected by other factors. The amount of money Tiya makes depends on how many hours she works.
Part B) As stated in part A, x is the hours and y is the money earned. The ordered pairs are in (x, y) form, with x being the hours and y being the money earned. For example, if Tiya worked one hour, x would be 1. As she earns 7 dollars per hour, she would earn 7 dollars (1*7), which is y. Therefore, one ordered pair could be (1, 7). Two hours would give Tiya 14 dollars, so we have another pair of (2, 14). Three hours would give Tiya 21 dollars, so we have (3, 21). We can do that for any numbers.
Part C) With every hour, Tiya earns 7 dollars. In order to find y, which is the amount of money totally earned, we multiply x by 7 (7 dollars per hour). Therefore, y = 7x.