Respuesta :

The correct answer is - True.

An archipelago, appears in the sea or an ocean, and it is a chain of large group of islands, sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes with mixed sizes. This geographic feature needs millions of years to form, and intensive geologic activity in order to take its shape. Almost exclusively, the archipelago is a chain of islands that were formed by volcanic activity, be it in the past, or in the present.

There's lots of archipelagos around the globe, with some of the best known being the Lucayan Archipelago, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, British Isles, Tristan de Cunha, Canary Islands, West Indies, Maldives, and lots of others. They can be found in all oceans around the world, and in big portion of the seas as well.

An Archipelago is a kind of land-form which is an association of several islands. Numerous popular archipelagos of the earth are several of the islands encompassing Japan, Hawaii and the British Islands.

Further Explanation:

An archipelago is often known as the island association or archipelago chain, group or accumulation of islands, or a sea comprising a small number of disbanded islands. Indonesia, the Galapagos, Japan, are the representatives of well-known archipelagos. Volcanoes don't need to always create archipelagoes. Numerous archipelagoes are continental lands determined only after the most advanced ice age. As glaciers abandoned, sea levels rose and low-lying lowlands were drowned. Coastal elevation ranges became archipelagoes just off the continent.

There are more copious than 50,000 reefs in the Archipelago Sea, although several of them do not contain one acre. Some of the islands are adjacent enough to be combined by scaffolds. Islands of the archipelago sea were nevermore bordering mountaintops. The most considerable archipelago in the cosmos was formed by the glacial recession. The Malay Archipelago, connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans, comprises more than 25,000 reefs in Southeast Asia.

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Answer details :

Grade: High school

Subject: History

Topic: Archipelago

Keywords: Archipelago, reefs, island, accumulation , numerous, several , coastal, elevation , mountain top, glacial, recession, cosmos, Malay, Pacific, Indian.