Create a class Car, which contains Three data members i.e. carName (of string type), ignition (of bool type), and currentSpeed (of integer type)
 A no-argument constructor to initialize all data members with default values
 A parameterized constructor to initialize all data members with user-defined values
 Three setter functions to set values for all data members individually
 Three getter function to get value of all data members individually
 A member function setSpeed( ) // takes integer argument for setting speed
Derive a class named Convertible that contains
 A data member top (of Boolean type)
 A no-argument constructor to assign default value as “false” to top
 A four argument constructor to assign values to all data-members i.e. carName, ignition, currentSpeed and top.
 A setter to set the top data member up
 A function named show() that displays all data member values of invoking object
Write a main() function that instantiates objects of Convertible class and test the functionality of all its member functions.

Respuesta :




#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

//Create a class Car, which contains • Three data members i.e. carName (of string type), ignition (of bool type), and //currentSpeed (of integer type)

class Car



string carName;

bool ignition;

int currentSpeed;

//A no-argument constructor to initialize all data members with default values

//default value of string is "",bool is false,int is 0







//A parameterized constructor to initialize all data members with user-defined values

Car(string name,bool i,int speed)






//Three setter functions to set values for all data members individually

// Three getter function to get value of all data members individually

void setCarName(string s)




void setIgnition(bool ig)




void setCurrentSpeed(int speed)




string getCarName()


return carName;


bool getIgnition()


return ignition;


int getCurrentSpeed()


return currentSpeed;


//A member function setSpeed( ) // takes integer argument for setting speed

void setSpeed(int sp1)





//Derive a class named Convertible

class Convertible:public Car


//A data member top (of Boolean type)


bool top;


//A no-argument constructor to assign default value as “false” to top





//A four argument constructor to assign values to all data-members i.e. carName, ignition,

//currentSpeed and top.

Convertible(string n,bool i,int s,bool t):Car(n,i,s)







// A setter to set the top data member up

void setTop(bool t)




//A function named show() that displays all data member values of invoking object

void show()


cout<<"Car name is:"<<carName<<endl;

cout<<"Ignition is: "<<ignition<<endl;

cout<<"Current Speed is :"<<currentSpeed<<endl;

cout<<"Top is:"<<top<<endl;



//main function

int main()


//creating object for Convertible class

Convertible c1("Audi",true,100,true);;





cout<<"Car Name is: "<<c1.getCarName()<<endl;

cout<<"Ignition is:"<<c1.getIgnition()<<endl;

cout<<"Current Speed is:"<<c1.getCurrentSpeed()<<endl;

return 0;


The following are the program to the given question:

Program Explanation:

  • Defining the header file.
  • Defining a class "Car", inside the three variables "carName, ignition, and currentSpeed" is declared that are "string, bool, and integer" types.
  • Inside the class, "default and parameterized constructor" and get and set method has defined that set and returns the parameter values.
  • Outside the class, another class "Convertible" (child) is declared that inherit the base class "Car".
  • Inside the child class, "default and parameterized constructor" is defined, which inherits the base class constructor.
  • In the child class parameterized constructor it takes four parameters, in which 3 are inherited from the base class and one is bool type that is "t".
  • In this class, a method "setTop" is defined that sets the "t" variable value and defines a show method that prints the variable values.
  • Outside the class, the Main method is defined that creating the child class object and calling the parameterized constructor and other methods to print its values.


#include <iostream>//header file

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Car//defining a class Car


//defining a data members


string carName;//defining string variable

bool ignition;//defining bool variable

int currentSpeed;//defining integer variable

Car()//defining default constructor


carName="";//initiliaze a space value in string variable

ignition=false;//initiliaze a bool value in bool variable

currentSpeed=0;//initiliaze an integer value into int variable


Car(string name,bool i,int speed)//defining parameterized constructor that holds value into the variable


carName=name;//holding value in carName variable

ignition=i;//holding value in ignition variable

currentSpeed=speed;//holding value in currentSpeed variable


void setCarName(string s)//defining a set method that takes parameter to set value into the variable


carName=s;//set value


void setIgnition(bool ig)//defining a set method that takes a parameter to set value into the variable


ignition=ig;//set value


void setCurrentSpeed(int speed)//defining a set method that takes a parameter to set value into the variable


currentSpeed=speed;//set value


string getCarName()//defining a get method that return input value


return carName;//return value


bool getIgnition()//defining a get method that return input value


return ignition;//return value


int getCurrentSpeed()//defining a get method that return input value


return currentSpeed;//return value


void setSpeed(int sp1)//defining a method setSpeed that holds parameter value


currentSpeed=sp1;//hold value in currentSpeed



class Convertible:public Car//defining a class currentSpeed that inherits Car class



bool top;//defining bool variable


Convertible()//defining default constructor


top=false;//holing bool value


Convertible(string n,bool i,int s,bool t):Car(n,i,s)//defining parameterized constructor Convertible that inherits base class parameterized constructor


carName=n;//holding value in string variable

ignition=i;//holding value in bool variable

currentSpeed=s;//holding value in integer variable

top=t;//holding value in bool variable


void setTop(bool t)//defining a method setTop that takes parameter to set bool value


top=t;//holding bool value


void show()//defining show method that prints variable value


cout<<"Car name is:"<<carName<<"\n";//prints value

cout<<"Ignition is: "<<ignition<<"\n";//prints value

cout<<"Current Speed is :"<<currentSpeed<<"\n";//prints value

cout<<"Top is:"<<top<<"\n";//prints value



int main()//defining a main method


Convertible cs("BMW",true,180,true);//creating the Convertible calss object that calls the parameterized constructor by accepting value into the parameter;//calling method show

cs.setCarName("Benz");//calling the setCarName method

cs.setIgnition(true);//calling the setIgnition method

cs.setCurrentSpeed(160);//calling setCurrentSpeed method

cs.setTop(true);//calling setTop method;//calling show method

cout<<"Car Name is: "<<cs.getCarName()<<"\n";//calling the getCarName method and print its value

cout<<"Ignition is:"<<cs.getIgnition()<<"\n";//calling the getIgnition method and print its value

cout<<"Current Speed is:"<<cs.getCurrentSpeed();//calling the getCurrentSpeed method and print its value

return 0;



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