
Write an email to a government or school official in which you propose an affective solution to a problem in the community or school

Respuesta :


Dear Principal Watson,

I am writing this letter to propose an effective solution for the bullying in our school, which has worsened during the last few months.

Bullying consequences can be minor or major ones, but they are always negative. There are many causes for someone to bully another person. Some of them can be problems at home, insecurities, or pressure to belong to a group. The student who bullies others might not be conscious of the damage he or she is doing and how it makes the bullied person feel.

The solution for bullying is to organize weekly group talks. Students in these groups should express how they feel, what bothers them, and invite the other members to reflect on their daily actions. Also, teachers must be prepared to help their students and support them when they are having a hard time. Counseling should be more present by guiding teachers, organizing the talks, and interacting more with all the students checking on them regularly. By creating consciousness and a supporting system, bullying will gradually decrease.

I hope that you could implement my solution to improve our school's community and students' lives.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Johnson.


When we write an email to a government or school official, we should use the formal language since we do not know the person.

We first greet the person by writing dear and his or her name. Then, we make an introduction. In this section, we have to tell why we are writing. It introduces the email topic. In the following paragraph, we describe the problem and its consequences. Then, we write our proposal for the problem, explaining why it would work. In the last part, we close the letter asking for our idea to be implemented and saying our goodbyes.