
can someone please write a poem with the following:
Thematic Effects
(5 points) Your word choices, including your use of verbals, express a unified tone, mood, or emotion. You arranged the words you found in a way that clarifies and enhances your overall idea or theme.
Sound Effects
(5 points) You arranged verbals and other found words in ways that create sound patterns, such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, or consonance. The style of your found poem shows that you understand how to use poetic devices to create sound effect that match your poem's meaning.
Visual Effects
(5 points) Your use of visual elements (both pictures and words) supports the meaning of your poem and reinforces its emotional effect on the audience, encouraging readers/viewers to use their own imaginations to connect ideas.

make it a small poem, as in 1-5 lines!