Respuesta :


) Japan is Largely Made Up of 4 Main Islands.

2.) The Greater Tokyo Area is the Most Populated Megacity in the World.

3.) Japan has the World's Second-Highest Life Expectancy.

4.) 69% of Japan is Covered in Forest.

5.) There are a Crazy Amount of Active Volcanoes in Japan.

6) The Japanese love wacky flavours. ...

7) Everyone has their own seal. ...

8) Anti-ninja floors are a thing.

9) Everyone has their own seal

10) Anti-ninja floors are a thing

11) The Sea of Japan Holds an Abundance of Fish

12) Its History Dates Back to About 30,000 BCE – 35,000 BCE

13) Jomon Period: The First Society of Japan

14) After the Jomon Period, Came the Yayoi Period

15) No-Melt Ice Cream!

16) The Portuguese were the First Europeans to Visit Japan

17) Japan had a Period of Complete Isolation from the Rest of the World

18) A Highway that Goes Through a Building

19) Japan has a Word for Death by Overwork, “Karoshi”

20) One Heck of a Healthy Diet