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Christians see Jesus as a teacher. He has shown them a way of life and given them a set of values. His teachings can be summarised, briefly as the love of God and love of one's neighbour. ... Jesus is an inspiration to Christian living in many ways, and some people who are not Christian find him inspiring as well.

1: He had a profound impact on the people who encountered him while he was alive and ministering in Jerusalem and elsewhere. That is clear.

2: St. Paul, he basically spread nascent Christianity across the Levant and into Greece. From where it became an important cult within the Roman Empire, growing year by year. He wrote voluminously on his version of Christianity to communities across the Roman world, and single handedly spread Christianity from a small Jewish sect into a fledgling religion distinct from Judaism and part of the Roman world, which we inherited.

3: Constantine the Great. He made Christianity the State Religion of the Roman Empire, and founded Constantinople as it’s Capital; this event cemented Christianity as a world religion and allowed it to destroy paganism and its competitor religions in the Mediterranean basin. That legacy led directly to the Orthodox Church, and the Roman Catholic Church which are still in existence today (I’m one of the Catholics) and Catholicism has well over a billion followers across the globe, while Orthodox Christianity has several hundred million adherents. Most other forms of Christianity we know today such as Protestantism, derive from these Roman predecessors. So in a way, the Roman Empire still influences the world down to the present day.

lol sorry its so long

Jesus had a universal concern for those who suffered that transcended the rules of the ancient world. His compassion for the poor and the sick led to institutions for lepers, the beginning of modern-day hospitals.