Formal Asses
Comparing p
On a supermarke
of this activity is
for money.
2 The fuel consumption rate of a car is 8 litres per 100 km.
How far can the car travel on a full tank of 40 litres of petrol?
If the cost of petrol is R10,05 per litre, calculate how far the
car will be able to travel if R150,00 worth of petrol is filled
in the car.
2.3 How much fuel will the car use if driven from Port Elizabeth
to Durban (a distance of 927 km) and how many times will the
driver need to stop during the trip to fill up with petrol?
2.4 Rewrite the fuel consumption rate to describe the number of
kilometres the car can travel per litre of petrol (km/ſ).
2.5 Which format of the rate (C/100 km or km/l) do you think is
the more useful format? Explain.
2.6 Calculate the average fuel consumption of a car (in l/100 km
and in km/l) if the car can travel 600 km using 42 l of fuel.
Size (volume)
Mix ratio (conce