E) q / p
Step-by-step explanation:
m% de p = pf / 100
m% de q = mq / 100
El recíproco se obtiene haciendo que el numerador sea el denominador y el denominador el numerador.
El recíproco de m% de p = 100 / mp
El recíproco de m% de q = 100 / mq
100 / mp / 100 / mq
= 100 / mp * mq / 100
= mq / mp
= q / p
If the reciprocal of m% of p is divided by the reciprocal of m% of q, the result is: A) pq / 100 B) pq C) 1 / pq D) p / q E) q / p
m% of p= mp/100
m% of q= mq/100
The reciprocal is obtained by making the numerator the denominator and the denominator the numerator
The reciprocal of m% of p= 100/mp
The reciprocal of m% of q= 100/mq
100/mp/ 100/mq
=100/mp* mq/100
= mq/mp
= q/p