Aluminum Frame - The aluminum frame is used to protect all the parts of the solar panel. It basically works as a shield against damaging items (hail, ice.)
Tempered Glass - The tempered glass keeps pressure inside the solar panel and keeps compressure outside of the solar panel to protect it from breaking.
EVA - EVA is a great alternative for electric radiational heat. It has a small amount of degradability to sunlight which keeps the panel from burning.
Solar Cells - Solar Cells are the part of the solar panel which work to transform the solar energy into electricity and not just use raw sunlight.
Back Sheet - Back sheets keep solar cells and the top and the bottom of the panel together. They make sure nothing inside the panel comes off.
Junction Box - The junction box makes sure all the solar cells inside of the solar panel are kept together so that the machine works as a whole and the back sheet's function does not get destroyed.