Q_c = Q_abs
You are asked to describe the process when placing a hot block in cold water.
The first thing to do is put all the quantities in the same units
block temperature T_bloque = T_h = 300 K = 300 -273 = 27ºC
water temperature T_water = T_c = 15ºC
* initially the block cools down decreasing its temperature
* the water temperature increases
* the equilibrium is established when the thermal energy of the two bodies is equal, therefore they have the same temperatures T_f
* Conservation of energy requires that the energy released by the hot block is equal to the energy absorbed by the cold body (water)
transferred thermal energy Q_c = m_block ce_block (T_h-T_f)
absorbed thermal energy Q_abs = m_agua ce_agua (T_f - T_c)
* if we subtract the energy transferred and the absorbed gives zero, therefore the net energy transferred is zero
Q_c = Q_abs