The correct answers are:
1. Ese reloj, ¿es tuyo? Sí, es mío.
2. Esas gafas de sol, ¿son tuyas? Sí, son mías .
3. Ese bolso azul, ¿es de Anita? Sí, es mío.
4. Esa cartera negra, ¿es de Pedro? Sí, es suya.
5. Esas camisetas, ¿son de ustedes? Sí, son nuestras.
6. Esos sombreros de playa, ¿son de ustedes? Sí, son nuestros.
Possessive pronouns indicate possession or belonging. They always agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to; that is, with the thing possessed.
If the possessive appears next to the noun that designates an element with which a relationship of belonging is established, then it is called a possessive determiner. If the noun is omitted, then it is a possessive pronoun.
These are the possesive pronouns in Spanish:
1st person singular: singular :mi plural: mis
2nd person singular: singular: tu plural: tus
3rd person singular: singular: su plural: sus
1st person plural: singular: nuestro/a plural: nuestros/as
2nd person plural: singular: vuestro/a plural: vuestros/as
3rd person plural: singular: su plural: sus