Yeast is added to bread dough before baking. After several minutes, the bread dough rises. Use your experiment to explain how respiration of yeast is important for the baking process.

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The purpose of any leavener is to produce the gas that makes bread rise. Yeast does this by feeding on the sugars in flour, and expelling carbon dioxide in the process.

While there are about 160 known species of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, commonly known as baker's yeast, is the one most often used in the kitchen. Yeast is tiny: Just one gram holds about 25 billion cells. That amount of fungi can churn out a significant amount of carbon dioxide, provided it has the simple sugars it uses as food. Fortunately, yeast can use its own enzymes to break down more complex sugars—like the granulated sugar in the activity below—into a form that it can consume.

Make a yeast-air balloon to get a better idea of what yeast can do

Yeast is a unicellular fungus which undergoes anaerobic respiration to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide gas.

How does yeast fermentation work in bread-making?

  • In a process known as fermentation, yeast consumes the sugar present in the dough to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol.
  • The dough is kept in a warm area throughout the baking process.
  • Fermentation occurs as a result of heat.
  • However, if the temperature is too high, the yeast is killed during the cooking process.
  • As the dough ferments, carbon dioxide is created and trapped as microscopic air bubbles.
  • The expansion of carbon dioxide during baking allows the bread to rise higher.
  • During the bread-baking process, the alcohol created during fermentation evaporates.

This is how yeast fermentation plays a vital role in the baking process.

Learn more about yeast fermentation here: