Voltaire - c. The Catholic Church purposefully kept people in ignorance and superstition, and refused to tolerate any disagreements.
Rousseau - a. People are born free but usually end up enslaved. Kings should rule by the will of the people and not by the will of God.
Montesquieu- b. A Balanced government, such as England’s was better than an absolute monarchy.
Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu were known for their intellectual thinkers whose ideas changed French society. Montesquieu was one of the great est of Philosophers. He subtly discredited monarchy and religion. He considered the republic to be the best form of government because it was motivated by public virtue.
Voltaire was the central figure of humanity in the Age of Enlightenment.
Rousseau ideas helped the middle-class people in France to start the French Revolution and introduce new political, educational, and economic views.