Motivation is defined as the psychological processes that arouse and direct our goal-directed behavior. Motivation is a multifaceted, complex phenomenon, but even so it can be illustrated through a fairly simple model. This activity is important because it is imperative that managers understand the process of motivation if they are to guide their employees in accomplishing organizational objectives. Match each item to the component of the simple model of motivation that it best depicts.

a. Rewards
b. Motivation
c. Unfulfilled need
d. Behaviors
e. Feedback

1. Desire is created to get things like food or water.
2. You search for ways to get things like food or water.
3. You make a choice for how to get things like food or water.
4. These can be either intrinsic or extrinsic.
5. Information tells you whether your choices worked or not.

Respuesta :



Matching items to the component of the simple model of motivation that they best depict:

Item                                                                                            Component

1. Desire is created to get things like food or water.            Unfulfilled need

2. You search for ways to get things like food or water.            Motivation

3. You make a choice for how to get things like food or water. Behaviors

4. These can be either intrinsic or extrinsic.                                 Rewards

5. Information tells you whether your choices worked or not.    Feedback


Components of Motivation:

a. Rewards: can be intrinsic or extrinsic to the person receiving them.

b. Motivation: is a stimulating process.

c. Unfulfilled need: a desire or drive.

d. Behaviors: actions taken to satisfy a need.

e. Feedback: evaluative information after the event.