You are a merchant who has been traveling through the Maurya or Gupta Empires and you are writing home to tell of your adventure. You will be writing to three different people about three different topics from the list below. All information can be found in the textbook or your notes.

1) You will be given three index cards to make your post cards with (or use the Postcard template for submitting a digital assignment). Your postcard message will be on the lined side. The blank side will be an illustration of some of the wonders you have seen on the trip that match your description on the back.
2) Complete your message first. It will be much longer than the traditional postcard message as you are the first person to see these wonders. Select three of the seven topics below to write about, but one must be about Hinduism or Buddhism.
a. Describe the geographic features of land you have crossed and its climate.
b. Tell about a danger you have encountered by accidently not following cultural norms.
c. As you have traveled, what have you seen that lets you know the Hindu religion is practiced in this region? Describe the evidence of Hindu influence.

d. As you have traveled, what have you seen that lets you know that Buddhism is being practiced in this region? Describe the evidence of Buddhist influence.
e. What trade goods have you brought to trade? What goods are you bringing home? Have you witnessed any special trade practice?
f. Describe some of India’s Golden Age contributions to the world.
g. Describe the people meet along your travels. What were they like? How do they live? You must discuss social structure.

Respuesta :


You have a DNA sequence that codes for a protein and is 105 nucleotides long. If a frameshift mutation occurs at the 85th base, how many amino acids will be correct in this protein?

A. All, some, one or none. 105 bases ÷ 3 bases/codon = 35 coding triplets.

All will be correct. This sequence is an initial noncoding sequence; therefore, no changes will occur in the polypeptide that follows.

None. Without a MET initiator, the sequence, if altered, won't code.

Some or One. Any triplet shift after 85 base will alter the remaining sequence, possibly an insertion or deletion, which will change the reading frame, resulting in a completely different translation from the original. The new sequence could end shorter if a triplet is changed to a terminator or elongate (runs on) if no terminal codon is read