1. Provide 4 ways the Soviet Union differed from the United States

2. How did the Cold War begin?

3. What policies did the US adopt to combat Soviet communist threats?

4. What was the Marshall plan?

5. In what ways did the superpowers compete for Eastern Europe?

6. How did US and the Soviet Union influences impact East Asia?

7. What events led to the outbreak of war in Korea?

8. What was the significance of Korea war?

9. Discuss Cold War events that occurred in Southeast Asia and the Middle East

10. How was espionage used during the Cold War?

11. Discuss the impact of nuclear weapons on the Cold War

12. Why was the Space Race important during the Cold War

13. How were the Olympic Games impacted by the Cold War?

Respuesta :

1. The Soviet Union controlled everything people bought and sold and the United States let people have some type of freedom like to own land and businesses and compete for themselves

2. The cold war began after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945, when the uneasy alliance between the United States and Great Britian on the one hand the Soviet Union on the other started to fall apart. The Americans and the British worried that the Soviet domination in eastern Europe might be permanent

3. Containment

4. A program providing aid to Western Europe following devastation of World War 2

8. An important development in the Cold war because it was the first time the two superpowers, United States and the Soviet Union, had fought a proxy war in a third country. The proxy war or limited war strategy would be feature pf other Cold War conflicts for example Vietnam War