
write a story about a time where you either personally experienced bias or stereotypes,or ever heard of them before

Respuesta :


Gender Stereotypes.

I'm a transgender male and I didn't come out until I was 16. My dad doesn't believe that I'm trans. Here's what he said:

"All men like sports" "All men like camping" Etc.

This is gender stereotyping, anyone with a brain would realize RuPaul is a real man and dresses more feminine than my brain could take. Not all men like sports, look at Leonardo da Vinci, and not all men like camping. This is toxic masculinity. Me not liking sports (though I was going to join track last year) or liking camping doesn't make me any less of a man.

It just means I'm myself. No one can put a definition of what a man is on anything besides chromosomes. Each and every man is different from the next. And me wearing short shorts doesn't mean I'm not one.

Im an african american female black or whatever an stereotypical person would think i am a n*gga.I personally have had a couple of stereotypes come to me and tell me things that any body else would do is ghetto or seen as ratched only because of my race as example if i wear long nails,get my hair done or colored,or yell at someone for the right reasons i would get called ghetto for it.Another time i have personally experienced sterotypes is a situation where i was in the store minding my business looking at the items i wanted to purchase this white woman just happens to come and make an claim “is it just me or does someone smell like marijuana over here its strong” i told her “No i dont smell anything and i for sure dont smoke it “ amd i left the aile because i knew she was a stereotype making that random outburst because she personally believes because im black i smoke weed so that has been 2 situations to the point i’ve experienced to be stereotypical.