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Benito Mussolini was the fascist dictator who was in charge of Italy from 1922 until 1943. Mussolini seized power in 1922 after his March on Rome and in the next few years eliminated all political opposition and made Italy a one-party dictatorship.
Only supporters of fascism would consider Mussolini a good leader. His power was based on the brutal removal and suppression of any form of opposition. Undoubtedly he was revered by his fascist supporters, but hated by millions of Italians.
Mussolini embarked on a foreign policy expansion to establish some form of new Roman empire. This led to campaigns in Africa including a brutal overthrowal of the Ethiopian (at that time Abyssinian) monarchy.
Mussolini was initially much admired by Hitler in his own efforts to establish a Nazi dictatorship in Germany. The two worked closely together and Mussolini soon joined with Hitler after the outbreak of WW2.
However Italian campaigns were generally a disaster. They were driven out of North Africa and had to be rescued by the Germans after an unsuccessful invasion of Greece. They also suffered huge losses in supporting the Germans at Stalingrad.
In 1943 after the allies landed in Sicily Mussolini was arrested and imprisoned as the Italian government switched sides.
He was rescued by German paratroopers from his mountain top prison and Hitler established him as head of a puppet government in Northern Italy.
However with defeat imminent he and his mistress Clara Petacci attempted to flee to Switzerland. However they were captured and summarily shot. Their bodies were taken to Milan and hung upside down from lamp posts.