
Exercise 3B Use adjectives
Add one suitable adjective to each of these sentences,
1. My Dad says he will take us on holiday to Namibia in December.
2. We will stay in a hotel in Windhoek.
3. I will take my camera with me to record all the things we see.
4. You can get information about Namibia's game parks from any travel agent.
5. My uncle went to Namibia on a slow train many years ago.
6. He enjoyed visiting the towns and the countryside.
7. He worked for months on a farm in Erongo.
8. When the farmer paid him, he bought a car and drove across the desert to Oshakati.
9.He met a girl in Tsumeb and married her.
10. She is now my Aunt Vaya.
11. Perhaps my friend can come with us.
12. We have spent many holidays together.
13. Aunt Vaya is clever - sbe lectures at the university.
14. The Namib Desert attracts tourists from all over the world.
15. The desert is dry throughout the year.​

Respuesta :


1. My Dad, who is very attentive, says he will take us on holiday to Namibia in December.

2. We will stay in a beautiful hotel in Windhoek.

3. I will take my old camera with me to record all the things we see.

4. You can get information about Namibia's game parks from any knowledgeable travel agent.

5. My rich uncle went to Namibia on a slow train many years ago.

6. He enjoyed visiting the small towns and the countryside.

7. He worked for long months on a farm in Erongo.

8. When the farmer paid him, he bought a red car and drove across the desert to Oshakati.

9.He met a pretty girl in Tsumeb and married her.

10. She is now my dear Aunt Vaya.

11. Perhaps my best friend can come with us.

12. We have spent many good holidays together.

13. Aunt Vaya is clever - she lectures at the new university.

14. The Namib Desert attracts curious tourists from all over the world.

15. The desert is dry and hot throughout the year.​


All adjectives added are marked in bold.

Adjective is a class of words used to promote a description and present a characteristic about something or someone. They are widely used in descriptive texts, as they can show how an element present in the text is, and can even explain what that element does. The adjectives have a special function of creating mental images in the reader, allowing him to visualize what he is reading through the description presented.