What are the negative effects of the redirection of water? (Select all that apply)
Permits farmers to water the crop
The more you control a river upstream the more flooding and problems you create downstream
Reducing the amount of freshwater flowing into estuaries can cause erosion and sedimentation and interfere
with fish reproduction, shellfish survival, bird nesting, and seed distribution because the water becomes
too salty
Aquatic animals that rely on river flow die
Subsidence and sinkholes result from water being pumped out of an aquifer at a rate faster than the recharge
zone can refill it
The more you control a river downstream the more floodinglyd problems you create upstream
Dam: Land habitats, plants and animals die
Downstream increased erosion
Sediment instability
Changing the course of a river causes erosion, sedimentation and destroys habitats for many aquatic animals
and those that feed on them