Flipper of a whale and bird's wing are homologous structures.
For more better explanation see below.
Flipper of Whale is homologus to the wing of a bird. Homologous organs - The structure which are similar in their morphology, anatomy, genetics and embryology, but dissimilar in their functions.
Flipper of whale and wing of bird has similar morphology and anatomy, but differ in their functions according to their species as well as the habitat where they live in.
A dolphin’s flipper, bird’s wing, cat’s leg, and the human arm are considered homologous structures. Whereas human beings have bones such as the humerus, ulna, radius, wrist bones, and fingers, these features appear as similar bones in form in the other animals. Bats, whales, and many other animals have very similar homologous structures, demonstrating that these creatures all had a common ancestor.