
Please answer the following questions in paragraph format (5-7 sentences for each question):

Why is it important to be organized? Does scientific research support the importance of developing organizational skills?
What are some specific organizational strategies you can use? Identify at least three different strategies or ways to be organized.

Respuesta :

Hello. You did not inform the survey to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

1. Being organized is important because it allows an individual to plan all his activities, complete them, optimize his time, be productive and avoid anxiety and stress. The organization allows positive proactivity, without overloading the individual, promoting comfort and satisfaction.

2. There are scientific researches that support the benefits of the organization. These surveys claim that these benefits are increased when they are linked to organizational skills that are created from strategies and plans.

3. Among the organizational strategies we can mention: creation of lists, creation of routines and creation of deadlines. The first refers to the strategy of writing the order of activities that must be carried out each day, the second requires that an order of activities be maintained for a long period of time and not be broken, the third refers to the ability to keep all activities with a time to complete which helps to avoid procrastination.