Write a 10 line poem usin at least 50 words with words from between the world and me that stuck out to you

Respuesta :


My boy hear my words well

Race is the child of racism

not the father as many can tell

Naming the people is a matter of hierarchy

Leaders they say It's a daughter of nature

reality shows It's not genealogy

but criminal power that comes from the people

I write you today in your fifteenth year,

I urge you to struggle for the memory fear

And pray for the dreamers, but don't cry a tear

Explanation: The poem consists of 50 words taken out of the book "Between the world and me". It summarizes the story about the writer, who wrote a letter to his fifteen-year-old son about the struggles he went through as a black child, and how he made his place in the world. Some phrases are taken textually from the story, such as: "Race is the child of racism, not the father" and "I write you today in your fifteenth year". The majority of the words are also in the story but making a summary of it.