Choose one of the following projects as your extended writing assignment for this unit.
1. Write a biography (750 to 1,000 words) of one of the presidents listed below. Include his political philosophy and the
programs Instituted during his time in office.
2. Draw a Presidential blography of one of the presidents listed below, showing his life in pictures. Under each picture of a
major aspect of his life, write a short description of that part of his life.
Choose from this list of presidents:
• Theodore Roosevelt
• Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Calvin Coolidge
• Herbert Hoover
• Franklin Delano Roosevelt
3. Use resource Information on World War I to write an essay describing the commanders, strategy and outcome of each
major battle.
4. You learned that a large percentage of Immigrants from Ireland, Germany, and England came to the United States in the
mid to late 1800s. Using the Internet and other sources, determine why these people flocked to the United States In such
large numbers. Identify cities where they settled and the impact they had on the cities.