Respuesta :


House chores

Jealousy:flattering or insulting


House chores can be divided based on gender in some cultures. For instance, ‘guy chores’ may involve taking out the trash, fixing minor plumbing issues or anything requiring heavy lifting, while ‘girl chores’ are cooking or organizing the house with the occasional cleaning.

In our case, we may come from different cultures with their own definitions of gender roles but we both prefer the chores equally distributed. Since she can eat my type of food and I prefer to organize my stuff, I cook and organize the house which she cleans.

It would have been an issue if both of us acted based on culturally-defined gender roles, which can be mistaken for being sexist or liberal, rather than being a little open-minded about personal preferences or perspectives.

Jealousy: flattering or insulting?

In general, being jealous and possessive are traits both guys and girls share. However, how your jealousy is interpreted can depend on how it is viewed culturally.