What is the main basis on which sociologists have classified societies in human history?

a) size of community
b) type of food
c) level of knowledge
d) subsistence technology

Respuesta :

d) subsistence technology

Answer: d) subsistence technology

Subsistence technology is the main basis on which sociologists have classified societies in human history. It refers to the tools and strategies applied and used by the primitive human population for hunting and gathering their food and other needs, in order to sustain their life. This can be defined by the examples of development of human society in the stone age.  Paleolithic is the stone age in which hunters and gatherers used to obtain food by using underdeveloped tools and stones, they used to be dressed in leaf and bark. Mesolithic stone age describes the human population, who used small and specialized tools and leaf, bark and animal leather as dress. Fire originated in this zone and beginning of domestication initiated. Neolithic stone age is the advantage stage of the three stone ages. In this age agricultural development initiated and grains were utilized as a source of food . Use of fire for burning mud pots. Cotton and wool were used for raping the body.