So for this assignment, #1 is asking you to read the brochure and make a list of the five most important attractions to you. On the top left are 3 restaurants, the bottom left are some things to do to relax like swimming, going to a sauna, or a salon ect. On the right side are their activities like bike riding, jogging, playing golf ect.
In my opinion I would order it like this:
1) Nager au paradis aquatique tropical
2) Visiter plusieur boutique
3) Aller au restaurant qui s'appelle La Crevette
4) Visiter un salon de beauté
5) Faire du vélo
For #2, it is asking you to basically rank some activities at the vacation. Words such as fantastique, bien, excellent, super mean that the activities are, fantastic, good, excellent and super. While words like nul and enuyeux mean that the actuvities were boring and unamusing.
So for the part of the purple chart that says "péfère", that means "prefer" so you would put an activity there. For the part of that chart that says "opinion" put your opinion on that activity.
Example, "tir a l'arc" means archery. So if you dont prefer archery, on the left side of the chart put "nul" and on the right side put "tir a l'arc"