A liquid in a cup has _____.
A. mass and energy
B. mass and volume
C. volume and energy
The universe is made of _____.
A. matter only
B. energy only
C. matter and energy
Which of these does NOT have volume?
A. air
B. a lake
C. energy
D. a sponge
A _____ is an example of a unit of volume.
A. centimeter
B. cubic centimeter
C. square centimeter
Ice is a form of _____.
A. liquid
B. matter
C. energy
D. volume
Matter is anything that has _____.
A. mass only
B. volume only
C. mass and volume
Which of these is a unit of measurement of mass?
A. pound
B. Newton
C. kilogram
D. cubic meter
The air in a balloon is a type of _____.
A. matter
B. energy
C. volume
A gram is a unit of measurement for _____.
A. mass
B. weight
C. volume
D. density