
My name is Alex Anderson. I am a member of the ninth-grade cheerleading team at Pine Valley High School. This year, our team hopes to compete in a national competition. Before this event, we are hoping to purchase new uniforms. To raise funds for our new outfits, we have planned a fund-raising dance. People from the community must purchase a ticket to the dance; then the cheerleading team gives out refreshments. Because we would like to be able to put as much of our profit toward the purchase of new uniforms, we are asking some local businesses to sponsor us by providing food and drinks. Harold's Hamburgers are a favorite of many students, and we would very much like to serve items from your menu at our dance. We are in need of food for 50 guests.
This paragraph lacks which of the following?
a. assertions
b.a statement of needs introduction to the subject and occasion
d.a statement of the purpose for writing
e.a mention of the audience