McDonalds reports that 15% of their workers are under 18 years old. The best shifts for those under 18 is from
4pm to 8pm. 80% of the workers under 18 years old work the 4pm to 8pm shift. 30% of the workers who are 18 years of
bider have the 4pm to 8pm shift
a. Create a tree diagram from the given data. Make sure you know what the first branch should be.
b. Multiply through the branches of your tree diagram to find out what percentage of workers worked
which shifts. (ex. 15% of under 18 y.o. workers, 80% of them work 4 to 8, so .15 x.80 = .12 (12% of all
workers are under 18 and work the 4 to 8 shift). Create a two-way frequency table with this data.
c. Create a conditional relative frequency table. Determine if there is an association between age and job