Answer and Explanation:
1. The speaker shows how it is impossible to avoid a war at the moment they are living, since the opponents of the Americans did not want peace, but wanted to establish a situation of oppression, devaluation and deprivation. He does this by showing how England treats American colonies with tyranny and irresponsibility.
2. The evidence that the author shows is relevant and sufficient, since he shows that it is impossible to maintain a peaceful relationship with England, which does not allow the colonies to live in the midst of peace and justice. In this case, the speaker shows that it is useless to fear a war between the colonies and England because they are already without peace.
3. The faalnte does not present any fallacy, since all his arguments are constructed with evidence. However, the speaker makes a strong use of pathos to show the emotional tone of his words.
4. You did not present the paragraph, but we can evaluate the speech as a whole, presenting very emotional arguments, stimulating the sentimentality of the public in relation to everything that is being discussed.