1. What is the meaning if the term bipedalism?
a. the expression of bilateral symmetry in an organism
b. the ability to walk upright on two feet
c. the ability to produce two flowers on a stem
d. the ability to ride a bike with two pedals
2. Why did Neanderthals evolve to have a wider, stockier body shape?
a. because they were bipedal
b. because they spent their life in trees
c. because they migrated to Europe with a colder climate
d. because they stayed in Africa with a warm, dry climate
3. What is the name of the current species of humans?
a. homohabilis
b. homoerectus
c. homoneanderthalis
d. homosapians
4. what species name did raymond dart give to the hominid skull that he found?
a. australopithecus africanus
b. homoerectus
c. homohabilis
d. australopthecus afarensis