20 Points!!!! Answer ASAP!!! Describe the process of oil extraction in complete sentences. Be sure to include information about how the process has changed in recent years.

Respuesta :

The aboveground infrastructure—pads and access roads—are built, setting up the land for the next step: drilling. From start to finish, everything from traffic plans and designated access roads to noise barriers and safety procedures is carefully planned and monitored according to state and local laws.

First the drill rig is brought to the location—maybe 20 or 30 truck loads—and put together. Now It’s time to build the infrastructure necessary to unlock the oil and natural gas trapped more than a mile below the ground. A well is drilled straight down into the ground beneath the pad. The first stage is to drill what is called the surface hole down to a depth of 100 feet below the deepest known aquifer. A steel casing is then


Un buen aceite de oliva se obtiene de la aceituna sana, madura y entera, conforme se reciben debe ser procesada, sin esperar, porque los procesos fermentativos comienzan pronto y deterioran la calidad suministrando al aceite mal olor, sabor o elevando la acidez.

En la campaña de molturación de aceitunas 1991/92, se instalaron en algunas almazaras prototipos de centrífugas horizontales o decánter de dos fases. En la campaña 92/93 se instalaron más sistemas continuos de dos fases, o bien se han transformado las centrífugas horizontales de 3 a 2 fases. Actualmente la Administración recomienda y subvenciona su uso, llagándose en la campaña 93/94 a contabilizar el 20% del total de aceituna molturada en las almazaras de Andalucía con este sistema.