
Consider Scrooge’s past that is shown to him in Act II. What do you believe caused him to become the man he was during ACt I? How do people’s experiences shape who they are? Use text evidence from the play and real-life
to support your response.

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In the novel A Christmas Carol Dickens shows that there is much poor and poverty going on in the world. In the novel a families are exposed of going through poverty and being poor, Bob Cratchit and his wife and Tiny Tim and his other children, Bob Cratchit is a man who works for Mr Scrooge. He has a small family who depend on the income he gets from Mr Scrooge. This is already showing the readers that if Mr Scrooge did not pay him his earnings then Bob would be in trouble with his family.

How will he manage to feed them?. Even though this family is poor, they seem to be in high spirits at all times. Bob's family are all depending on Mr Scrooge to pay him if not then they will not continue to exist. Showing the readers this family is very unfortunate to not have as much money as Mr Scrooge has. This shows that the Cratchits may not be as happier as they are now if they had no money at all, Yet going through poverty does not stop tiny Tim from praying to god "to help them all".

Fred, Scrooges nephew seems to be happy enough with the money he has and comes to share his happiness with Mr Scrooge but he neglects Fred's offer to have dinner at his home. Fred who had married a lady who was not as rich as Mr Scrooge was happy despite the lack of money he is determined to celebrate Christmas. He is always glad and joyful regardless of how much money he has. Men and women "should open their shut up hearts freely", Even if you opened your heart freely what if money was stopping you? You have all the money you could ever wish for, yet your still not as happy as other are?