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The difference that the poet Maya Angelou talks about is how some people are serious while some are humourous. The other difference that the poet talks about is how people strive to meet their ends through different modes.
The similarities shared between people are that of emotions. All humans feel love, loss, sadness, happiness, birth, death, etc. The other similarity that people can share is 'names.'
"Human Family" is a poem written by Maya Angelou. The poem explores the differences and similarities shared between people across the world.
In the poem, poet Maya Angelou sheds light on the differences shared between the people. These differences include the tone of people. Some people are serious, while some are funny (comedy). The other difference between people is the way they meet their ends. All people have the same ends to meet– to earn money, but the means of meeting the ends differ. People choose different means to meet their ends.
The similarity that the poet talks about in the poem is that people across the world share the same emotions. The one who is in China feels the same love as the one who is in the US. The one who feels the loss of a loved one, a similar feeling is experienced by someone at another place who has lost a loved one. The other similarity is that people can share the same name. Some women have the name Mary in the US and the UK.