Respuesta :
Follows are the code to this question:
m= int(input("Enter month: "))#defining a m variable that takes months value
y= int(input("Enter year: "))#defining a y variable that takes years value
if m in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:#use if block that check m value is in list
n_day = 31#defining a variable n_day that holds a value
elif m in [4, 6, 9, 11]:#use elif block that check m value is in list
n_day = 30#defining a variable n_day that holds a value
else:#defining else block
if y% 4 == 0 and (y % 400 == 0 or y % 100 != 0):#use if block to check leap year condition
n_day = 29#holds value in n_day variable
else:#defining else block
n_day = 28#holds value in n_day variable
m_name = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December"]#defining a m_name as a list that holds string value
print(m_name[m - 1], y, "has", n_day, "days.")#print output with message.
Enter month: 6
Enter year: 2009
June 2009 has 30 days.
In this code two-variable "y and m" is defined that holds year and month value as an input from the user-end, and use the conditional statement to check m value, which is defined as follows:
- In the first condition, if block, it checks m value is available in a given list if the condition is true it holds value "31" in n_day variable.
- In the second condition, elif block is used checks m value is available in another given list if the condition is true it holds value "30" in n_day variable.
- In the else block it check leap year condition and hold value in the "n_day variable", in the next step "m_name" variable is defined that stores string value, and uses the print method to print its calculated values.