Pick a topic other than education and describe what the clear consensus on the topic is in terms of public opinion and then how issues within that topic can divide the public.

Respuesta :

Topic: Christianity

Clear consensus among many religious and non-religious: Followers have great faith, often do good deeds, strive to carry out the teachings of Jesus, and are righteous God-fearing people.

Issues: Some Christians aren't Christians, and pose as fakes which inturn corrupts people's view on the actual Christinas when the poser does something wrong. Like when Catholic popes and priests rap ed, rap e, and continue to rap e people, which posions the public perceptions that if the leader is bad, the people are bad, and that other Christians either apparently don't care or support what the priest do, just because the popes are SO-CALLED Christian.

Reality: Not all Christians are Catholics, almost over half of 2.5 Billion are not, yet many think that's the majority of Christianity. Also, many Christ-followers rebuke and reprimand those evil deeds and people; some even avoiding Catholic faith or churches because of the popes actions and well documented se xu al histories. The final truth of reality, that would help society rather than divide, would be that there's over 200 denominations in the faith, meaning that we're not all in the same boat, and that if some people would read the Bible, they'd find that popes are not mentioned or supported and ra pe is a sin, and dis gus ting in the eyes of God.