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It is important to select suppliers carefully as suppliers can affect the businesses they provide goods to. If a supplier provides a poor quality product to a firm, it may affect the firm's reputation as the firm will need to use the goods or sell them onto their customers.


Suppliers are the most important link in the business chain. They can never be separated from the business itself as they act as the most important intermediary for owners and consumers.

On the other hand, investors get impacted the most as the share price of the companies are hugely impacted by the performance of the business and are appreciated when the business posts excellent results in its annual or quarterly period.

  • A business can impact suppliers in a way that if the manufacturers are not ready with the finished goods, the supply chain will automatically be stopped which will reduce sales by a good number.

  • On the other hand, Investors are the owners of the business for the part of no. of shares being held by them. However the management of the business is in the hands of the managers and if they don't run the business well, the stock prices would decline resulting in dismay for the investors.

  • Suppliers as well as investors are directly related to the performance of the company as efficient management by the business leads to betterment of them and vice versa.

Hence, the owners as well as the investors are directly affected with the performance by the management of the business and are equally acquainted to the business.

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