1. Notes and rests have distinctive values. Which of the
following notes has the highest value?
A. Dotted half note
B. Whole note
C.Half note
D.Quarter note
2. A note value indicates the relative duration of a
note. How many beats does a whole note receive?
A. 4 beats
B. 3 beats
C.2 beats
D. 1 beat
3. A dot gets 1/2 the value of the note or rest that it
follows. What is the value of a dotted half rest?
A. 1 1/2 beats
B. 3 beats
C.2 beats
D. 2 1/2 beats
4. Which of the following dotted notes receives 1 1/2
A. Dotted eighth note
B. Dotted sixteenth note
C. Dotted half note
D. Dotted quarter note
5. Notes and rest have time values. Which of the following notes receives 1/2 of a beat?
A. Eighth note
B. Half note
C. Dotted half note
D. Quarter note