When I was a little girl,
I thought everyone was Italian,
and that was good. We visted
our aunts and uncles,
and they visted us.
The Italian language smooth
and sweet in my mouth.

In kindergarten, English words fell on me,
thick and sharp as hail. I grew silent,
the Italian word balanced on the edge
of my tongue and the English word, lost
during the first moment
of every question.

Source: Gillan, Maria Mazziotti. "Growing Up Italian." PoetryMagazine.com. Poetry Magazine, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.

What is the tone of this poem? What does the tone reveal about the speaker of the poem and the conflict she faces? Based on this excerpt, what can you predict about the theme of the poem?

Respuesta :

The poem starts out with an excited and pleased tone, but quickly switches to a sad and disappointed tone.  The tone reveals that the speaker grew up speaking Italian and knew nothing more. You can tell that the speaker is going to face many challenges dealing with learning English and language barriers. 
The tone of this story is in reflection(s) about the past, It reveals that she is young at thought, the conflict she faces is coming from a different culture and having to adapt to a new culture and language, The  prediction is up to you though. Will she be successful in the new language or not?