Which of the following is a function of the executive branch?
- Writing legislation
- Administering the law
- Challenging legislation in court
- Repealing the law

Which of the following reasons best explains why congress enacted the War Powers Resolution in 1973?
-To Grant the president under strict authority to send troops abroad
-To allow the president unlimited War Powers
-To require Congress to authorize funding for the military
-to limit the president's ability to commit troops to an undeclared war

How do executive agreements differ from treaties?
- the Senate ratifies treaties that word executive agreements from previous administration
- a treaty requires approval by the Senate and executive agreement does not
- executive Agreements are valid across administrations ;treaties or not
- the president negotiates treaties the Senate makes executive agreements

Who are the president's executive powers of clemency an example of checks and balances
-clemency can overturn Federal Court decisions
-clemency can employ congress's stop federal courts
-clemency can influence the way the federal court will rule on a case
-clemency can prevent the courts from making improper laws

5, pts per question 20 if you get them all right, plz thanks.

Respuesta :

what'd you get on it?

1. Administering the law

2. To limit the president's ability to commit troops to an undeclared war

3. A treaty requires approval by the Senate; an executive agreement does not.

4. Clemency can overturn federal court decisions.