Below are five questions from a survey of MBA students. Answers were written in the blank at the left of each question. For each question, state the data type (categorical, discrete numerical, or continuous numerical) and measurement level (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio). Explain your reasoning. If there is doubt, discuss the alternatives. _____ Q11 What is the age of the car you usually drive

Respuesta :


Complete question :

Q11. What is the age of the car you usually drive? (years).

Q12.) About how many times in the past year did you attend formal religious services?

Q13.) How often do you read a daily newspaper? (0 = Never, I = Occasionally, 2 – Regularly).

Q14.) Can you conduct simple transactions in a language other than English? (0 = No. 1 = Yes).

Q15. How often do you exercise (aerobics, running, etc)? (0 = Not at All. 1 Sometimes. 2 = Regularly)


Continous, ratio

Discrete, Ratio

Categorical, ordinal

Categorical, nominal

Categorical, ordinal

Step-by-step explanation:

Continous variables usually do have an infute number of values inbetween consecutive integers while discrete numeric variables take up whole number values and has a finite number of values. The

Categorical variables are used for Qualitative variables which takes up labels rather than numeric values.

The measurement scales include ;

Ratio scale used for quantitative variables with a true zero value (that is 0, means there is no value for the variable at that point, on a ratio scale with height variable = 0 then there is no height for the measured point). it allows for mathematical calculation of data values as it has a fixed distance between point.

The interval scale is similar ot the ratio aside that it does not have a true zero value, the zero point only serves as a reference point.

The nominal scale, when numbers are used to depict Qualitative variables, such that there is no rank or order in the label. If labels are 0 and 1 for each options, then one label is not superior or inferior to the other

Ordinal variables on the other hand have a particular order or rank for the Qualitative data represented with numerical values :

Here : for a scale of 1 - 5 ; the magnitude increases from 1 through 5

1. continuous numerical, ratio

2. discrete numerical, ratio

3. categorical, ordinal or interval

4. categorical, nominal

5. categorical, ordinal or interval

just did the question! hope future students are helped