He throws a second ball (B2) upward with the same initial velocity at the instant that the first ball is at the ceiling. c. How long after the second ball is thrown do the two balls pass each other? d. When the balls pass each other how far are they above the juggler’s hands? e. When they pass each other what are their velocities?

Respuesta :


hello your question has some missing parts

A juggler performs in a room whose ceiling is 3 m above the level of his hands. He throws a ball vertically upward so that it just reaches the ceiling.

answer : c) 0.39 sec

               d)  2.25 m

               e) 1.92 m/sec


The initial velocity of the first ball = 7.67 m/sec ( calculated )

Time required for first ball to reach ceiling = 0.78 secs ( calculated )

Determine how long after the second ball is thrown do the two balls pass each other

Distance travelled by first ball downwards when it meets second ball can be expressed as : d = 1/2 gt^2 =  9.8t^2 / 2

hence d = 4.9t^2  ----- ( 1 )

Initial speed of second ball = first ball initial speed = 7.67 m/sec

3 - d = 7.67t - 4.9t  ---- ( 2 )

equating equation 1 and 2

3 = 7.67t   therefore t = 0.39 sec

Determine how far the balls are above the Juggler's hands ( when the balls pass each other )

form equation 1 ;

d = 4.9 t^2 = 4.9 *(0.39)^2 = 0.75 m

therefore the height the balls are above the Juggler's hands is

3 - d = 3 - 0.75 = 2.25 m

determine their velocities when the pass each other

velocity = displacement / time

velocity = d / t = 0.75 / 0.39 sec  = 1.92 m/sec