Write a program that calculates the tip and total amount to pay per person given the bill. The program gets the bill, tip percentage and number of people as input and outputs the amount of tip per person and total per person. Check the Programming Guideline document on Blackboard to know what to submit. Sample run given below where the red bold numbers are the inputs from the user: TIP CALCULATOR Enter the bill : 20.25 Enter the percentage of the tip : 20 Enter the number of people : 3 Tip per person is $1.35 and total per person is $8.10.

Respuesta :


Answered below.


#program is written in Python programming language

#Get inputs

bill = float(input('Enter bill: "))

tip = float(input("Enter tip percentage: "))

people = float(input ("Enter number of people: ")


amount_per_person = bill / people

tip_per_person = amount_per_person * tip

total_per_person = amount_per_person + tip_per_person



print (total_per_person)