Students must write write an expository essay using one of the following topics:
Education also takes place outside the classroom…
If I could change the world, I would…
If I could meet one famous person from history, it would be...
Your essay must be full page and include an introduction, body, conclusion, and details that explain your topic. You can use resources but the information must be cited.

Respuesta :

For the first one “education also takes place outside the classroom” you can write about how education does not always refer or mean school, when people think of education, they think of learning or knowledge. You can write about how people, like yourself learn many things outside of a classroom for example, watching a movie and learning a new fact from it.

The second one is pretty simply “if I could change the world, I would” what would you do? What do you think in the world needs change? It could be something super simple or complex for example, how society see women and how women’s lives are generally harder than men’s due to society or any other factor, education systems for more complex ideas and more cereal flavors as a simple one. I think for the more cereal flavors you could use the cereal flavors as a metaphor and write how you want more cereal flavors to be included in markets but slowly, gradually begin to refer to it as people where you are implying that you want more people to be accepted into the society something like that

For the third one, think of someone in history who has made an impact to the present society, it could be good or bad for example, Hitler for what is considered a bad impact and Rosa parks for what is considered a good impact